The Bug from God

I've just spent the past week in Kansas City. It hasn't felt like much at all. I think it's mostly because I was sick for some of the time in the middle. It was really bad sick.

I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say I haven't been that sick in a long time. But I am pretty sure I know why I got sick. Not how (though I think it might have been from the plane), but why.

Last time I was in Italy (2006), I got sick and even had a fever. It got so bad, I was taken to the hospital by the missionaries I was staying with (thanks Les & Margaret! I owe you soo much!). When my mom found out, she was on the internet looking up flights to Italy, ready to fly out there if I just said I missed her or wanted her there. 

But I was fine. Miserable, but fine.

And then here I was in Kansas City, under the care of myself and my team, and though there's really nothing you can do when you've got a stomach virus but wait it out, I was given patience, understanding, encouragement and even chicken soup. My team, without complaint, let me lie on the couch all I needed be as miserable as I needed and allowed deadline to pass and pass because sitting up was not an option. 

The virus lasted about a day and a half (what's with the whole 24 hour thing?) and by Tuesday night I was on my feet, laughing and running like I do. 

I believe I got sick for my mom. So that she can see that my teammates can take care of me. While I'm a 6 hour plane ride away (not to mention the wait at the airport), she can rest knowing that my team is taking care of me. Getting me the needed meds and nutrition, and letting me rest. 

God doesn't take away our worries by taking everything away. It is not like I will not be sick in the next five years while I am away in Torino. Instead, we can be assured that God gives us small hurdles now to train and grow us to persevere during the harder hills later. When I get sick in Italy, we can all look back at this week and see how one of the worst sicknesses went away. 

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