Feeding of the 5,000

The current economic crisis has made support raising seem like an impossibility to many - who can raise $3,462 in monthly commitments in less than a year? I can't. But God can.

During missions conference and the week following, God supplied nearly 100% of my out-going support (which buys my plane ticket, shipping of earthly possessions and furniture once I get there, like a bed, dresser, etc)! Only God could do something of that immensity in that short period of time! In this way God showed His blessing and reconfirmed that this indeed is what He has called me to.

This is one way I know that God has called me to this. How else could I have gotten over $700 in a one-day garage sale? That day the most expensive thing we sold was $30 and we only sold 3 or 4 things near that price. It was as if the dollar bills multiplied in our fanny packs like the bread and fish did in the hands of the disciples! And that was only one day of five that God provided for this ministry.

God provided nearly double the amount I need on a monthly basis (which is $3,462) in six days - don't you think He can can provide half of what He did in six days on a monthly basis? Do you believe it for your own life?

There were five days out of eight where I received one-time gifts. These gifts help me to physically get situated in Italy. But without monthly commitments, I'll never get the go-ahead from the administration at Avant to actually buy my plane ticket. 

God really does provide. I've seen it with my very own eyes. And recently. 

And this is God's will for me. To go. To keep fixed on this plan. He has given me no reason to think differently, and, as a matter of fact, given me more reason to KNOW that I must keep moving forward. Even though I linger below 50% of monthly commitments (I need 100% to get the go-ahead!) - I know that God's timing is perfect and He indeed has the resources to get me there... now it is a matter of finding those through whom God will provide and waiting for Him to move in their lives. 

5,000 men, not including women and children were fed a total of five loaves and two fish. And TWELVE BASKETS FULL were left over (Mt 14).

Do you believe God multiplies His resources even in "a tough, economic crisis"? I believe He provides and sees His will be done! He's done it even now!

1 comment(s):


March 24, 2009 at 11:43 AM

I love God's math! Praying for you Laura! "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."