The Atheist Bus Campaign - Part I

It's true. You can read about it here 

There is an atheist organization in London that has raised £135,000 (that's US $362,844) to run ads on buses, in train stations, and on the streets on LCD screens.  

And what is it exactly? 

According to the article: 

... 800 buses – instead of the 30 we were initially aiming for – are now rolling out across the UK with the slogan, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life", in locations all over England, Scotland and Wales, including Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, York, Cardiff, Devon, Leeds, Bristol and Aberdeen.

My biggest question is why does the atheist care? If (s)he believes there is no afterlife, what's it to him/her that someone else believes in one? Well, this is what they said:

... the campaign was originally started as a positive counter-response to the Jesus Said ads running on London buses in June 2008. These ads displayed the URL of a website which stated that non-Christians "will be condemned to everlasting separation from God and then you spend all eternity in torment in hell … Jesus spoke about this as a lake of fire prepared for the devil".[*] Our rational slogan will hopefully reassure anyone who has been scared by this kind of evangelism.

[*] Notice that they didn't give the URL for the Jesus Said ads, which is

The ads are also on buses in Spain and Washington, DC. They suggest these ads "brighten" bleek January days. Apparently the founder of the Atheist Bus Campaign skipped all the good and found what she was looking for: an accusation. If she really read what Jesus said, if she really understood the power of an almighty God, and not thought of God as an impersonal, unfeeling, just-less force, then maybe she would have understood.

So who's keeping it a secret? Do you believe in a real place called hell? Do you know why it's there and how it is completely in line with Jesus' character? 

I'll answer this next time. In the meantime, you think about it. What would you think if you saw atheist ads all over public transportation? What do you think when you see Christian ads? If Jesus said you have to believe in him to be saved (and He said so much more than that!) and died to open heaven to those who believe and yet you also believe that good people will go to heaven - did Jesus die for nothing?

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